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Weixinbuy Tyre Pressure Control Systems RDKS Learning System Tyre Valve Activator EL-50448 for OPEL GM TPMS

von Weixinbuy
Preisvergleich Produktbild Weixinbuy Tyre Pressure Control Systems RDKS Learning System Tyre Valve Activator EL-50448 for OPEL GM TPMS
Check car model Please check your car model if it is compatible with EL-50448 on the latest pictures. The tyre pressure sensor cannot be used for trucks. The TPMS tyre pressure sensor on models in and after 2012 can only be read with certain diagnostic tools.
Easy to use step EL-50448 tpms reset tool program all tyres much easier with just 3 steps: Step 1 - Activate the rest mode; Step 2 - Read information about the tyre pressure sensor; Step 3 - Same method for reading other tyre pressure information.
About learning mode Make sure your vehicle is in TPMS learning mode before using this TMS newcomer and TPS reset tool. Hold the tool against the side wall of the tyre near the valve stem. Press the learning button while holding the tool against the tyre side wall until you hear a horn sound from the car.
Easy activation the tyre pressure monitoring sensor activation tool is simple, quick and easy to use and activates the individual TPM sensor with one push of a button.
Note: 1. If you use the tpms relearn tool GM, please ensure the correct position of the antenna. 2. And 9V battery should be in good condition.
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