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smarTrike Zusammenklappbares Dreirad, 8-in-1, 700 Serie, blau

von smarTrike
Preisvergleich Produktbild smarTrike Zusammenklappbares Dreirad, 8-in-1, 700 Serie, blau
This 8 in 1 Folding Trike 700 Series is designed for babies from 6 months of age and it grows along with your child. It is designed for easy folding and compact storage. This unique SmarTrike features telescopic soft touch parent handle for easy manoeuvres like a stroller. Stage 1: Compactly folded trike that opens easily it takes up 85% less volume when folded Stage 2: The seat swivels 180 degrees and reclines so that your baby can lie back in comfort and face the parent Stage 3: At 9 months your baby can sit using the early stage footrest Stage 4: At 12 months your baby switched to fold down footrest, sitting comfortably and securely on high-back seat with soft-padded safety bar. Stage 5: At 18 months remove canopy as your baby grows. Baby enjoys the ride while developing confidence, balance & motor skills Stage 6: At 24 months attach the pedals and switch navigator button, your toddler learns to pedal on training trike Stage 7: At 30 months telescope parent handle closed; product becomes an independent trike that toddlers can pedal by themselves Stage 8: From 32 months remove high back support. Toddlers continue their fun filled rides Features and Specifications Telescopic soft touch parent handle for easy strolling- Patented Touch Steering technology Detachable, adjustable canopy with UV protection 5-point harness with shoulder pads Built in shock absorbers, high back support and padded seat cushion No hassle assembly - no tools required Assembly time of 1 hour Few clicks and the trike folds compactly for easy storage Includes large storage bag and padded parent bag and comes with a parent handle accessories tray The mudguard navigator button lets one switch from parent Touch Steering to child ride-control Swivel seat (face forwards or rotates to face parent) - also reclines Large front swivel wheel with built-in shock absorbers and quick-release, detachable pedals Early stage footrest and foldable footrest Non-slip pedals EVA wheels Recommended for
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