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Mercy of the Vampire King (The Vampire Kings Book 1) (English Edition)

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"Mercy of the Vampire King" is the first book in "The Vampire Kings" series, written in English. It is a paranormal romance novel, authored by the American writer, K.L. Bone. The book was published on October 15, 2018. The story revolves around Mercy, a young woman living in a world ruled by vampire kings. She is captured and brought before the Vampire King, Lucius, who becomes infatuated with her. However, Mercy harbors a secret that threatens both her life and the entire vampire kingdom. As Lucius discovers her true nature, their forbidden attraction grows, leading to a perilous romance. The novel explores the themes of love, power, and sacrifice within a supernatural setting. It combines elements of fantasy, romance, and suspense, offering readers an intriguing and captivating story. Please note that as an AI language model, I cannot provide specific price information, as prices may vary depending on the retailer and format (e.g., paperback, ebook).
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