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Using AI for Dialoguing with Texts: From Psychology to Cinema and Literature (Routledge Focus on Linguistics)

Preisvergleich Produktbild Using AI for Dialoguing with Texts: From Psychology to Cinema and Literature (Routledge Focus on Linguistics)
"Using AI for Dialoguing with Texts: From Psychology to Cinema and Literature" is a book published by Routledge Focus on Linguistics. The book explores the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the domain of dialogue generation with texts, specifically in the fields of psychology, cinema, and literature. The book provides insights into how AI technology can be utilized to generate dialogue in various contexts. It discusses the potential of AI to create engaging and realistic dialogues in psychological studies, cinematic storytelling, and literary narratives. The focus is on the use of AI algorithms and techniques to generate dialogues that simulate human-like conversations. The authors of the book delve into the theoretical foundations of dialogue generation and discuss the challenges and limitations of using AI in this context. They explore different AI models and techniques, such as natural language processing, machine learning, and deep learning, and their applications in generating dialogues. Furthermore, the book examines the implications and ethical considerations associated with AI-generated dialogues. It addresses issues such as bias, authenticity, and the impact of AI-generated dialogues on human perception and engagement. Overall, "Using AI for Dialoguing with Texts: From Psychology to Cinema and Literature" offers a comprehensive exploration of the use of AI in generating dialogues in various domains. It provides valuable insights for researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts interested in the intersection of AI, linguistics, psychology, cinema, and literature. Please note that this summary does not include any pricing information.
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