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LaDicha 3 Stücke Lm2596 Dc-Dc Spannungsregler Einstellbar Abwärts Netzteil Modul Mit Display

von ILS.
Preisvergleich Produktbild LaDicha 3 Stücke Lm2596 Dc-Dc Spannungsregler Einstellbar Abwärts Netzteil Modul Mit Display
Specification:1. With the voltmeter shows voltage meter error ± 0.1V, the range 0-40V. (Note: To ensure the accuracy of the voltmeter, please ensure that the input voltage of 4V and above)
2. Touch the key to switch measuring input or output voltage, and has a light show which is being measured voltages
3. Power off memory function, show that road after power voltage values measured for the last time
4. Press the touch button for 3 seconds to turn off LED display, touch the button again to turn on the LED display
5. The band terminals, no iron can also be easy to use, and retention wire connection point
6. Input voltage 4.0-40V (input voltage to the output voltage must be higher than 1.5v.)
7. The adjustable output voltage range of 1.25V-37V continuously adjustable (input voltage must be higher than the output voltage to a high of about 1.5V)
8. The maximum output current up to 3A, normal and stable operating current of 2A
9. the internal oscillation frequency 150KHz, belonging to the second generation of switching voltage regulator, low power consumption, high efficiency
10. The current switching LEDs are redPackage Included:
3 x DC-DC step down voltage converter
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