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Motors for Makers: A Guide to Steppers, Servos, and Other Electrical Machines

von Addison Wesley
Preisvergleich Produktbild Motors for Makers: A Guide to Steppers, Servos, and Other Electrical Machines
Addison Wesley
As the Maker movement gains momentum, more and more Makers are interested in building robots, 3-D printers, remote-controlled vehicles, and other projects requiring an understanding of electric motors. Motors for Makers is the first easy, friendly guide to electric motors designed specifically for people without formal technical training. Matthew Scarpino introduces motors and their operation without complex theory or math, focusing instead on how to use them, interface them, and control them in practical projects.

Scarpino begins by clearly and simply explaining the basic principles of electric motors, and describing the characteristics of stepper, servo, induction, and linear motors. Next, he presents detailed instructions and working code for interfacing with and controlling servomotors with the popular Arduino Due and Raspberry Pi. Throughout, you'll learn through practical examples and case studies designed for clarity and simplicity.

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