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Spike: Into The Light (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

Preisvergleich Produktbild Spike: Into The Light (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Spike, he vampire who chose to have a soul takes a break from hanging with Buffy. In a small California town, low on funds and food, he runs into his past hidden under the floorboards of an old store, as well as a patience-trying slimy monster, stolen children, and some trouble with his boots . . . And, of course, there's always a girl. How can a good guy catch a break when he's constantly trying to hide the vampire insideThe original graphic novel (i.e. not previously published in comic book format), Spike: Into the Light is written by James Marsters, the actor who played Spike on the "Buffy the Vampoire Slayer" televison show.
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