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Red November: Inside the Secret U.S.-Soviet Submarine War

Preisvergleich Produktbild Red November: Inside the Secret U.S.-Soviet Submarine War
In this riveting popular history, W. Craig Reed pulls back the curtain on the most secret aspects of America's Cold War with the Soviet Union: the underwater battles and espionage operations that brought the world to the brink of nuclear warfare numerous times. As a former submariner and navy diver, Reed is the first author to obtain in-depth interviews from dozens of Navy SEALS and divers, espionage operatives, submariners, and government officials on both sides about Ivy Bells, Boresight, Bulls Eye, and Holystone operations. Through in-depth research and his own first-hand experience, Reed sheds new light on the most harrowing and exciting missions conducted during the Cold War. Reading like a fast-paced Tom Clancy thriller, "Red November" transcends traditional submarine, espionage, and naval Cold War historical accounts by delivering a far more personal touch to the near-death experiences told by the men and women who participated in America's longest and most expensive underwater war.
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