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Southeast Europe before Neolithisation: Proceedings of the International Workshop within the Collaborative - Research Centres SFB 1070

Preisvergleich Produktbild Southeast Europe before Neolithisation: Proceedings of the International Workshop within the Collaborative - Research Centres SFB 1070
This volume provides an insight into the current state of archaeological research in Southeast Europe and its adjacent regions, spanning chronologically from the Aurignacian to the beginning of the Neolithic period. In ten contributions by leading experts in this field, specific topics in regions ranging from the Aegean Sea, the Carpathians, and Western Anatolia to the Apennine Peninsula and Central Europe are presented. This book represents the proceedings of an international workshop, held in May 2014 in Tübingen as a part of the work of the Collaborative Research Centre 1070 ResourceCultures. The research activities of Raiko Krauss are focused upon the timespan between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age within Central and South-East Europe. Harald Floss is a renowned expert of the Palaeolithic in Europe and a specialist in the study of the transition from the last Neanderthals to Early modern humans. Both teach at the University of Tübingen.
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