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Princess Polly's Potty

Preisvergleich Produktbild Princess Polly's Potty
Not suitable for children under 1 year 6 months of agePrincess Polly's Potty: Hilarious potty training from Ladybird "Princess Polly's Potty: Potty Training for Girls" is an entertaining picture book from Ladybird that helps parents struggling with potty training for girls aged 18+ months. Clear, informative and fun pictures are aimed at tackling the common anxieties that children may have about using the potty. Each page encourages parents and children to interact with the story by pressing the 'cheer' sound effect when the child has interacted correctly in order to eventually motivate their child into using the potty. Even princesses use the potty! Follow Princess Polly on her potty training adventure and press the sound button to cheer her along! This book is perfect for helping girls feel confident and motivated about using the potty. "Princess Polly's Potty" was written by Andrea Pinnington and illustrated by Melanie Williamson. For further advice on potty training, please visit web site. "Pirate Pete's Potty" is a version of the same story - including sound effects - tailored for boys.
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