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Interview with the Spiritual Teacher Friend of the Indians: Channeled Messages for our Life on Earth

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Books on Demand
"Interview with the Spiritual Teacher Friend of the Indians" is part of a series that began with the book "Interviews with the Spiritual entities of Abadiânia". During several visits to the spiritual centre of Abadiânia, Sylvia Leifheit discovered her own psychic gift in the "Casa de Dom Inacio." Her special talent is the communication with cosmic energies in the form of spiritual entities. In these interviews, the spiritual entities communicate with mankind through Sylvia, providing valuable insight into the cosmic laws. "Interview with the Spiritual Teacher Friend of the Indians" is a compendium of spiritual knowledge communicated by a spiritual entity who wishes to pass on his vast knowledge, collected through many lifetimes on earth, to humankind. Friend of the Indians talks to us about many important aspects of spiritual growth, for instance about the "State of Mankind", the "Liberation of the Soul", "Wisdom and Responsibility" and "Spiritual Initiation". In the extensive practical section, Friend of the Indians discusses the everyday aspect of his teaching, answering Silvia's questions about "The workplace", "Self-Realization within the Family", "Birth" and "Transition". Through the medium of the dialog, driven by Sylvia's inquisitive and very human questions about spirituality and the Cosmos, we learn that we are never alone, that we are always connected to the cosmic forces - and that we can communicate with them.
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