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Xbox360 TX-2 Kehlkopfmikrofon

von Gioteck
Preisvergleich Produktbild Xbox360 TX-2 Kehlkopfmikrofon

Whether it's communicating through a barrage of explosions or giving co-ordinates in a covert special op, the TX-2 Throat Mic is an indispensible piece of kit for any successful combat mission.

Utilizing a concept previously used in military aircraft, the TX-2 detects sound from the neck and transmits accurate voice signal for the clearest communication. The TX-2 Throat Mic is effective in environments where other microphones don't come close!

Military style throat technology: Clear and distinct voice pattern technology as used by the military Precise sensors: The microphone detects sound direct from the neck for high quality sound transmission Fully adjustable neck band: For improved comfort - because one size never fits all! Superior fit: Ergonomically designed rubber ear cushions ensure a precise in-ear fit, allowing longer gameplay in comfort Noise isolation: Reducing background noise for optimum voice clarity Flip it 180 degrees: Lefy or righty Flip the throat mic 180 degrees and you can wear the earphone in either your left or right ear! Gioteck are set to provide you with quality additions and peripherals for your consoles, truly designed by gamers for the gaming community, we aim to destroy the clones and meet the demands of our fellow gamers making our third party peripherals first choice
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