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Refraktometer 0-32% Brix Zucker SG Würze Wein Bier Wasser Zucker Messung ATC

Preisvergleich Produktbild Refraktometer 0-32% Brix Zucker SG Würze Wein Bier Wasser Zucker Messung ATC

- This hand-held optical refractometer measures the density of sugars in the solution and gives you an instant gravity readings at any point during the boil, or run off from the mash. You do not need to convert the reading from Brix to specific gravity or do an adjustments for temperature. Great for quick and frequent check on the gravity of your running or while sparging, and also for those who do not like to deal with the temperature compensation necessary with a hydrometer. Unlike a hydrometer, it only requires a very small amount sample, about 2-3 drops of sample only.

- It's FULLY EQUIPPED with ATC(Automatic Temperature Compensation) that automatically adjust itself to correct temperature discrepancies during use. Capable of measuring with high accuracy and provides precise results. It's equipped with vivid and sharp reticle chart for easy and comfortable reading.

fruits, vegetables & grasses

Monitor and control sugar concentrations in foods, beverages, crops and plants, checking the "ripeness"of fruit in the field and verifying product quality after harvesting andor controlling concentrations during processing and packaging to ensure product quality.

wine or beer

Use Brix readings to get wort sugars and help determine finished alcohol readings (for alcohol reading, best use in conjunction with a hydrometer).

metalworking fluids

Helps in maintenance of CNC coolants and water soluble drawing & stamping compounds and commonly used for controlling the concentration of various industrial fluids like cutting lubricants and flux rinsing compounds.
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