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vbvcbvnghjkjhg Kamera-Linsenfilter UV CPL ND4 / 8 / 16 / 32 Star für DJI Mavic 2 Zoom Drone

von vbvcbvnghjkjhg
Preisvergleich Produktbild vbvcbvnghjkjhg Kamera-Linsenfilter UV CPL ND4 / 8 / 16 / 32 Star für DJI Mavic 2 Zoom Drone
Special designed for DJI Mavic 2 ZOOM Drone camera.
Efficient waterproof & scratch-resistant performance
Compatible with: DJI Mavic 2 ZOOM Drone

UV (Ultraviolet) Filter
Reduce haze and improve contrast to your video and digital images by minimizing the amount of ultraviolet (UV) light.Especially useful in areas of high altitude, snow, or beach, eliminating the undesirable blue cast.Imported optical glass, top level of transmittance.

CPL (Circular Polarizer) Filter
Removes unwanted reflections from non-metallic surfaces such as water or glass and glare from the sun.Increases color saturation, creating deep, rich scenic images.Helps to reduce the amount of light entering the lens.Especially useful in reflective or stray light.

STAR Filter
This is a Point line Star Filter. Add some sparkle to your night shots, city skylines, street scenes, lamp posts, streetlights,car headlights, candle lights, and gaslights, any place there`s sources of points of light.

Neutral Density Filter (ND4 ND8 ND16 ND32)
Great for portraiture and outdoor scenes in strong sunlight. Reduces the amount of light reaching the film without affecting the color. Applies slow shutter speed under strong sunlight exposure. Allows wider apertures, effectively decreasing depth of field. ND4 reduces the intensity by two degree; ND8 reduces three...
Made of high-quality optical glass
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