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VCBBVG 5 axis CNC Breakout Shield Board Stepper Motor Driver MACH3 Module Controller-Blue

Preisvergleich Produktbild VCBBVG 5 axis CNC Breakout Shield Board Stepper Motor Driver MACH3 Module Controller-Blue
1.Fully support MACH3 and other computer software that support parallel port control.
2.USB power supply and peripherals powered phase separation to protect computer security.
3.Peripheral wide voltage input, 12-24V, and anti-reverse function.
4.All input signal are optocoupler isolated, which can urgently stop, limit, to protect computer security.
5.All the way to the relay output port,spindle switch controllable. Output port is P17.

1.All the way through the optocoupler isolated 0-10V analog voltage output can be controlled with the corresponding analog interface converter to control the spindle speed. Output port is P1.
2.Open all 17 ports, which can be accessed with the optocoupler drive, 5-axis stepper motor can be controlled.
3.P1 as PWM outputs can be controlled with optocoupler input spindle governor.
Can be accessed by a common cathode or common anode input level to 5V drive.

Colo... voltage input:12-24V

Package Information:
Package size:98 x 70 x 25mm/3.86 x 2.76 x 0.98in
Package Weight:45g/1.59oz
Poly Bag Package

Package Included:
1 x 5 axis CNC Breakout Board
1 x USB Cable
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