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Griechische Reines Thymian und Bergblütenhonig Nettogewicht 920gr im Glas

von Meli Serron
Preisvergleich Produktbild Griechische Reines Thymian und Bergblütenhonig Nettogewicht 920gr im Glas
Meli Serron
Meli Serron, Blossom And Thyme Greek Honey, 920gr, glass jar:

A true treasure of health and strength. It is known and has distinct placement from the times of ancient Greece, as a natural and healthy product, essential to our diet which contributes to good health and longevity. It is a biological product made by bees from the nectar of flowers and plants or secretions of trees. It is a natural food containing lots of nutrients as sugars, minerals, amino acids, vitamins and enzymes. All those provide human body with strength, wellness, nutrients but also acts antimicrobially and antisepticly.

Thyme Honey: strongly aromatic, with excellent flavor, with light and shiny appearance. Classified within the best quality honey varieties. Crystallizes at low temperatures and within 6-10 months after production.

Blossom honey: mixed honey, which the bees collect from the abundance of plants and flowers of the Greek land. Usually it is light in colour, with excellent flavor and taste. Crystallizes relatively easily.

Crystallization and quality: Crystallization is a natural phenomenon not related to the quality of the honey and does not cause any changes in its' nutritional value. A crystallized honey is neither adulterated nor damaged. It can be liquidated easily if placed in a bain -mari with hot water 40 ° Celsius.

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