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Oliven Throumpes tratitionelle Auswahl Throumpa aus der Insel Thasos Nettogewicht 800gr

von Simolive
Preisvergleich Produktbild Oliven Throumpes tratitionelle Auswahl Throumpa aus der Insel Thasos Nettogewicht 800gr
Simolive, Greek Throuba Olives from Thassos, 800 gr, (2 Vacuum-sealed Plastic Bags of 400gr each):

Throuba from the island of Thasos is a Greek product of Protected Designation of Origin (P.D.O.). The Throuba olive ripens while still on the tree thanks , it has a bittersweet taste and can be eaten straight from the tree. The olives are picked when ripe and black in colour, they are washed in mountain spring water. Following a fine selection process whereby the best olives are selected the olives are then layered in large tanks with untreated Sea salt which enables the water and bitter taste to be drawn out. Olives absorb water and if there is salt in that water they will absorb that too. In the Throuba process the water that the olives naturally release is drained, which means the olives are not sitting in their own water, therefore not absorbing the water or excess salt, yielding an olive with minimum salt and excess taste. The olives are then rinsed in spring water again before being lightly coated in cold pressed sunflower oil and packed in bags for minimum postage costs.

These olives are blacker than black and meaty in texture these olives are very rich in olive oil, the richest of all the olives produced in Greece. A key element of the Mediterranean diet. The main ingredients of the olive flesh are: water, oil, sugars, proteins, organic acids, minerals, etc. Olives have 10 times more antioxidants than olive oil. They contain significant amounts of vitamin A and E, which together contribute to the good health of the skin. It is rich in phenolic compounds, that help for the proper functioning of our body, and trace elements such as iron, phosphorus, calcium and potassium.

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