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Miracle Noodle Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta 150g (Pack of 6)

Preisvergleich Produktbild Miracle Noodle Shirataki Angel Hair Pasta 150g (Pack of 6)
Use miracle noodles as a pasta substitute in any dish dramatically reducing calories and boosting soluble fiber intake. Finally, you can have your pasta and eat it too! They are the ultimate guilt free noodle. Now you know why we call them miracle noodles!Miracle Noodle is a small family business dedicated to providing the highest quality non-soy traditional shirataki on the market. The soluble fiber found in the Miracle Noodle slows digestion and prolongs the sensation of fullness and is an essential part of any weight loss program. You also absorb more nutrients in the foods you eat with The Miracle Noodle due to the slowing of digestion. By slowing the digestive process, there is a slower absorption of glucose which then requires a slower release of insulin from the pancreas which aids in the normalization of blood glucose after eating a meal.Soluble fiber binds bile acids that are secreted from the gall bladder. These bile acids have cholesterol in them and are bound up by the soluble fiber in the Miracle Noodle and then excreted. Known for its health benefits for 2000 years in China and Japan, shirataki is made from the root of a plant called the konnyaku imo. Shirataki is made only from the soluble fiber of the plant, as such it only contains a healthy soluble fiber known as glucomannan. Since it is only made of soluble fiber, it is remarkably low in calories. Miracle Noodles absorb the flavours of any sauce or dish you prepare.
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