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Plantoys 1355165 - Zahlen 1-10

von Plan Toys
Preisvergleich Produktbild Plantoys 1355165 - Zahlen 1-10
Plan Toys
Learning your 1-2-3's can be simple and fun! The number 1-10 game is a brilliant learning game for young children. Children can practice writing numbers by tracing the guides on the back. For more than 30 years Plan Toys has been consistently developing its products and activities with a strong commitment to contribute positively to the world. Plan Toys is known as being the first company to manufacture wooden toys from preservative-free rubberwood and have created new materials and processes as part of zero waste goals.Plan Toys has also introduced Plan Wood as another high quality, safe and sustainable material in their toy making process. This material will be used in harmony with the solid rubberwood. Plan Wood is an eco-friendly material because the waste is minimized and fewer trees are reclaimed. Every part of the tree is used and they use less energy which reduces out environmental impact. The toys are cultivate creative minds and bring children closer to nature. Children will then grow up with the Knowledge and values to respect and preserve natural resources for future generations. Plan Toys has gained recognition globally through their philosophies and beautifully crafted wooden toys. They were also awarded 'Best Preschool Toy Range 2013' by Progressive Preschool.
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