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Drinkopoly - World best selling drinking game in English language with additional cards

von Drinkopoly
Preisvergleich Produktbild Drinkopoly - World best selling drinking game in English language with additional cards
Drinkopoly© is a social and interactive board game designed to provide hours of fun, laughs and mischief at home, parties or outings. Don't waste time thinking about party game ideas, just bring out the world's most popular drinking game to break the ice and have an (un)forgettable experience with your friends. The board has 44 fields with various tasks requiring you to stop at bars, pubs and clubs, and take gulps of long or short drinks. There are additional fields with special tasks and activities, such as truth and dares, arm wrestling challenges, poem recitals, tongue twisters, pick-up lines or kissing contests. The winner is the one who traverses through the social challenges and reaches the end of the journey first. Drinkopoly has 50 special cards describing various tasks. When you pull a card, you have to complete the task or take a sip of a drink to advance further. Some of the tasks are funny, some are sexy and some are simply craaazy! You can be sure whichever card you pick, you will remember it (or not). DRINKOPOLY© IS IDEAL FOR PRE-DRINKS AT HOME, PARTIES, BBQ'S, 18 AND 21ST BIRTHDAYS, BUCKS AND HENS NIGHTS OR ANY OUTINGS. ORDER A DRINKOPOLY SET FOR YOUR PARTNER, FRIEND, COUSIN OR SOMEONE SPECIAL NOW!

With 50 additional cards.
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