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Skisneostype BTS Notizbuch Aufkleber, KPOP Bangtan Jungen Vinyl Aufkleber für Handy, MacBook, Laptop, Auto, Boote, Windows Scrapbooking Dekoration (H12)

von Skisneostype
Preisvergleich Produktbild Skisneostype BTS Notizbuch Aufkleber, KPOP Bangtan Jungen Vinyl Aufkleber für Handy, MacBook, Laptop, Auto, Boote, Windows Scrapbooking Dekoration (H12)

Rap Monster

Full Name: Kim Nam Joon
Nickname: RapMon, Leader Mon, God of Destruction
Position: Rapper, Leader
Birthday: September 12, 1994
Fun fact: BTS has been around since 2010, but they debuted in 2013 because of the constant member change up. Rap Monster is the only member left from the original line up.


Full Name: Min Yoon Gi
Position: Rapper
Birthday: March 9, 1993
Fun fact: He is called Motionless Min because on his days off he doesn't do anything.


Full Name: Jeon Jung Kook
Position: Vocal, Dancer, Rapper, Maknae
Birthday: September 1, 1997
Fun fact: Said to be a very skilled cook.


Full Name: Park Ji Min
Position: Vocal, Dancer
Birthday: October 13, 1995
Fun fact: He is known for his impressive abs.


Full Name: Jung Ho Seok
Position: Rapper, Dancer
Birthday: February 18, 1994
Fun fact: He loves kimchi.


Full Name: Kim Tae Hyung
Nickname: TaeTae, Blank Tae
Position: Vocal
Fun fact: They call him Blank Tae because of his blank expression.


Full Name: Kim Seok Jin
Nickname: Pink Princess, Jin Princess
Position: Vocal, Visual
Birthday: December 4, 1992
Fun fact: According to the other members, he has the best body in Bangtan.

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