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Poor Boyz CD, DVD The Grand Bizarre DVD

von Poor Boyz
Preisvergleich Produktbild Poor Boyz CD, DVD The Grand Bizarre DVD
Poor Boyz
Step right up and get your tickets to the all-inclusive action thrill ride of the decade! Take your seat, grab your popcorn and witness the most daring skiers on the planet performing death-defying feats including Bobby Brown's ground-breaking triple cork 1440 and Simon Dumont's one of a kind cubed halfpipe. Nowhere have you seen anything more bizarre than this year's Poor Boyz Production release The Grand Bizarre. Featuring: Bobby Brown, Simon Dumont, Sammy Carlson, Dane Tudor, LJ Strenio, Nick Martini, Bene Mayr, Charley Ager, Tim Durtschi, Riley Leboe, Leigh Powis, Josh Stack, Mike Henitiuk, Cam Riley, Clayton Vila, Oskari Raitanen, Matt Walker and friends. Shot on Location in: Whistler, BC, Mica Creek, BC , Bralorne, BC Helsinki, Finland, Keystone, CO, Breckenridge, CO, St. Anton, Austria, Minneapolis, MN, Helena, MT, Cooke City, MT, Calgary, AB, Canmore, AB, Spokane, WA, Pullman, WA, Squaw Valley, CA Lake Tahoe, CA, Los Angeles, CA, Sun Valley, ID , Bend, OR, Mt. Bachelor, OR, Kelowna, BC, Kamloops, BC, Revelstoke, BC, Switzerland, Powder Mountain, UT, Alta, UT, Alaska
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