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figma Saber Alter (PVC Figure)

Preisvergleich Produktbild figma Saber Alter (PVC Figure)
From Max Factory. From Fate/stay night comes a figma of the knight dyed in darkness - Saber Alter! Using the smooth yet poseable joints of figma, you can act out various scenes. Two expressions are included: her typical expressionless face, as well as a shouting face for combat scenes. The front parts of her hair can be removed allowing the attachment and removal of her mask. Combined with the two expressions, this allows for various options! The sombre black lustre of her armor with its blood red streaks have all been sculpted into her figma preserving the truly dark atmosphere around her. Her Noble Phantasm, 'Excalibur', is also included - dyed a dark black just like the rest of her armor. A poseable figma stand is included, which allows various poses to be taken.
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