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Farabi Leather Speed Ball Black Muay thai MMA Material arts speed ball mma speed ball workout speed ball training speed ball punching speed ball boxing speedball punching workout speed ball

von Farabi
Preisvergleich Produktbild Farabi Leather Speed Ball Black Muay thai MMA Material arts speed ball mma speed ball workout speed ball training speed ball punching speed ball boxing speedball punching workout speed ball
Farabi Genuine cow grain leather speedbag is a fighter's delight and the trainers dream. Weather it's a beginner or a pro every single individual need rhythm focus and speed to win the fights. Farabi double end speed ball is engineered to incorporate all the aspect that are needed to develop focus, rhythm and gaining speed. Made from high quality genuine Nappa cow grain leather this speed ball is extremely durable and has the ability to withstand the extreme punching and sparring session. Equipped with HG-Motion band that can be adjusted according to the need of the trainee. This speed ball ensure the correct body mechanics and position for the punching and defense. The C-Clock motion of the speedball allows the athletes to incorporate the correct punching technique and making a speedy connection for building good reflexes. The C-Clock 360 motion allows building correct rhythm which enhances the training capacity and augment the speed. The quick reflection of the ball allow the trainee to build good vision and help prepare for the punches of the opponent. It can help building best jabbing and punching coordination. With the R-C jab motion this speed ball can serve to be the best training partner for the jab and punch training. Stitched using a RAW Triple-needle fleece Pico-thread which strengthen the composition and make this ball extremely durable. Comes with HG-Steel hook swivel for adjustability and installation.
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